Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why oh Why

Do I have to take a bath? I made the mistake of following Mom to the bathroom and boom, she closes the door. She picked me up and put me on the tub with running warm water. I SCREAMED! She tries to calm me down but I won't have it. I just hate bathing. I wasn't even filthy. I think I frightened her with my screeching scream. I got away from the tub a couple of times but I was right back in. After the towel dry, she let me out. She stayed in the bathroom and took a shower because she was partially wet because of me. Granted she doesn't give me a bath that often but I still hate it. Besides, I'm good at grooming myself. Note to self, don't follow Mom into the bathroom.

Before class started last night, I got to play with Deacon and Oscar. I hardly recognized Oscar. He got a haircut. Mom was cooing how cute he was and looks like a totally different dog. I'm gonna miss Deacon. His human said that he wasn't going to take Puppy II. It was graduation day for Puppy Class I last night. We learned about "off/sit" and took turn doing our exercises. But mostly, we played and socialized. Finnegan, a golden retriever was missing yesterday. One day shy of graduation and he drops out. LOL Actually, the teacher told everyone that Finnegan's parents thought that he was too much to handle and returned him to his breeder. I was shocked and Mom was visibly upset by this news. Dad joked "maybe we should return Sinjin too, we can still get our money back." Real funny Dad, NOT! Class picture from left to right: Cash, Lola, Suki, Bacchus, Deacon, Oscar, Me, and Brownie.

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