I get excited as we near the dog park.
Trouble was at the park again trying to hump anyone. His human put him at the small area at first till she got complaints from yapper owners. Like me, Trouble is a medium size dog. He is 5 months old and his human said he will get fix next month. I'm surprise that Wilbur the pit also 5 months old let Trouble hump him. Mom yelled "no humping" even though it's not her dog. Funny thing is, Trouble's mom just hangs outside the fence for the most part and comes in to pick up his calling card. She lets him play but usually stays outside the fence or in her car. Someone said she is scared of big dogs. Don't know if that it is true. So now, it's Mom's duty to keep an eye out for Trouble.
Flossing ;-p |
The following day, I played mostly with Jasper the German Short Hair and Barney (2nd Barney) the Husky. We had a good old time. I think Jasper was amused by me because I can run so fast. He kept following me for awhile. His human told my Mom that he usually doesn't like small dogs. LOL
Shiba sighting: Glacie, one year old but she was at the small area so we didn't get to play. |
The obligatory money shot. lol
Awww Sinjin...you get so excited heading to the dog park... just adorable!! Is it fun standing on picnic tables....lol..!!
Makes me feel bigger when I'm on the table. ;)
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